Monday, August 13, 2007


"I am so smart S -M -R -T" -Homer

Thursday night I went to bed later than I should. No legitimate reason. I just never got around to going to sleep.

Slept 4 hours.

Friday, my Ward had a camp out. That was fun. We ate, hung out, and as soon as the ecclesiastical leadership went to sleep, the tunes came out. The guy that did all the planning came prepared and we danced around the campfire to random tunes and quite a bit of Latin Music. I got to shake my Bon-Bon. It looked very pagan and decadent. We finally shut it down after 1:30 am and I managed to get to bed in the general vicinity of 2 am. Very general vicinity. Someone was nice enough to loan me a spare air mattress, so I slept as well a can be expected while camping, even though it partially deflated and I spent the night in search of a position where more than a small section of me was padded. I've got to get me one of those.

Slept 6 hours-ish.

Saturday. We went to Payson Lake after breakfast. The original plan was to hang out and make our way there around noon-ish. The sun was bearing down on us at around 9:30. Sun won. We went to the lake. Canoes, cool people, cold-ish water, burning sun. Good food for lunch. Good times had by all.

I went home and had the requisite 45 minute shower to wash the nature off me. I was beat to hell. I was supposed to hook up with some chick friends and go out to eat. They were then going to go to SLC to dace at a Latin club and I was going to ditch them and get some much-needed sleep. Yeah... I got to their place and found out they had to make an appearance at a work party. The work party turned out to be for my favorite personality types. You know, the ones responsible for getting people to buy stuff. yay. They did have Latin music there, though. It was a decent DJ and the girls wanted to dance 2 songs before we took off. 2 songs turned into 2+ hours. I'm not sure on the time. I found my happy place and danced there. I was at the point where the DJ played 3 slow songs in a row and I almost fell asleep from exhaustion. The fast songs were good, though. They kept me awake just fine. We finally made our way to some 24 hour Mexican place. If I was smart, I would have found a nice comfy chair after the 5th song and had them wake me up when they were ready. Oh well. I had fun.

Slept ?

I have no reliable memory of when I went to sleep or when I woke up for early morning meetings before putting in an 8+ hour day on sun.

This is 2 days before a week-long marathon of long distance driving and running around Disney.