Monday, November 13, 2006


Last weekend, I hung out with some Latin chicks. It was interesting. I had my Latin-ness recharged. It used to get me in trouble (some girls dug it and got addicted. Long story), so I repressed it for a while. I had totally forgotten I can be loud when I let myself be. I learned long ago that I get what I want more often when I concentrate on the quiet intensity part of my personality rather than the fun-loving side, so I use what works.

My native tongue is not Spanish. My native tongue is Spanglish. I tried to tell some stories in Spanish and ended up tripping over some words until I switched over to Spanglish. Good to know.

We went Latin Dancing this weekend at a small club in town. Salsa Chocolate. I was still sore from running, but I went anyway. It was an education. Half the girls I went with were fun to dance with and had it going on. The other half had no real inner rhythm and were mostly there to hang out. The fact that there are Latin girls out there with no rhythm makes me a sad panda. At least they weren't Salvadoran. I had managed to stay away from Latin Clubs for over a month now, but now that I had a taste again, I'm contemplating setting up a regular group.

The last couple of girls I've gone Latin Dancing with have all been gueritas with natural rhythm and fire. Rhythm, I don't require, but I decided many moons ago that I feel most comfortable with girls that have a certain fire. I don't know if I'll hang with all of these girls again, but I'm craving another Latin Club run.

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