Thursday, August 24, 2006

This is my new baby.

This is what Pastrami from The Hat looks like.

I can feel my arteries hardening in a good way. Yum.

1 comment:

Gubi said...

When you say, pastromi from the hat, are you refering to some pastromi you had stuck to your head for an exorbit amount of time? If so, that is nasty. Otherwise you are probably refering to a restaruant that none of us really know.

Nice car by the way, I has been awhile since I got my new car. I think it has been like 5-6 months since I got mine. Annoying thing is that Rachel accidentally got into 2 accidents in it over a period of 2 days. Good news is that neither of them were her fault. So I guess it kinda works out. Just have to drive around with a dent in the bumper until the Ins company pays up.